Bloomington, Minn.-based Aspen Equipment Co. was recently recognized by Hennepin County for promoting worksite wellness. For the fourth year in a row, recognition was given to Aspen Equipment for being an employer that makes employee health a priority. Aspen Equipment’s creative and effective wellness policies and programs, which encourage healthy lifestyle choices were also commended.
“We are tying wellness and workplace safety together, realizing that they are interrelated,” said Sharon Hengel, human resources director at Aspen Equipment. “Our 100 employees contribute to the culture of Aspen Equipment where we actively promote safety and well-being through fitness challenges, healthy food choices and events such as Aspen’s spring Health Fair. In the first three years of our program, we set up the foundational aspects of our wellness program including biometric screenings, health assessments, health coaching and wellness challenges — which continue to be the core of our program. This past year, we focused on enhancing our hiring process.
“Aspen Equipment also enlisted the help of our occupational medicine provider to work with a physical therapist to observe and measure physical requirements of our labor workforce and look for opportunities for improvement.”
Company president Steve Sill’s full support has allowed Aspen Equipment to create a wellness infrastructure and environment that inspire employees’ healthy choices. “We value our employees,” said Sill. “They are our greatest asset so it makes sense to offer them healthy lifestyle programs that promote longevity and reduce stress. The results have been positive, all the way down to the bottom line, where reduced health care costs for our employees and the company have been realized in premium contribution credits. In fact, while many companies are cutting back on employee benefits, these savings help Aspen Equipment add more programs and provide a comprehensive benefit package for employees who average 13 years of employment.”
Aspen Equipment Co., which has been owned and operated by the Sill family for three generations, sells, rents and services commercial equipment for federal, state and local governments, railroads, utilities and construction trades. For more information, visit