Photo by Ladder Lock
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Ladder-Lock is a Ladder Stabilizing Assembly System for Extension Ladders

Aug. 23, 2022
Compatible with most 16-to-24-foot extension ladder models with hollow rungs, its technology decreases the users’ likelihood of serious injury or death.

Master carpenter turned inventor and entrepreneur, Andrew Parsons, has launched Ladder-Lock, a ladder conversion kit designed to increase the safety of its users by improving an extension ladder's overall stability.

Compatible with most 16-to-24-foot extension ladder models with hollow rungs, its technology decreases the users’ likelihood of serious injury or death, the company said. The Ladder-Lock features two adjustable legs that connect at the ladder midpoint and two adjustable arms that anchor to the ladder's lowest rung, creating four points of contact that eliminates kicking out, sliding and tipping, and supports more weight than a ladder alone.

Aluminum rods are inserted through the hollow rungs of both sets of legs and braces generating an ultra-sturdy base capable of bearing loads of more than 450 pounds.

“Everyone from painters, contractors, and roofers to people who put their Christmas lights up once a year will benefit from the Ladder Lock,” said Andrew Parsons, founder of Ladder-Lock.  “Throughout my career I have witnessed several people fall off ladders, including myself. Ladder Lock users will feel a new level of assurance and as a result get their jobs done more efficiently.”

 Parsons has more than 40 years of experience in the construction business. He developed Ladder-Lock as a solution to his own professional carpentry needs. Parsons saw the need in the market and designed the user-friendly ladder conversion kit after feeling unsafe many times while on the job.

Determined to create a product that reduces the possibility of injury, the idea for a safer and more convenient approach to ladder efficiency was born. Parsons built a system that boosts user confidence and optimizes overall productivity.

Ladder-Lock is currently available by special order only at and retails for $399.