Intergis Named Top 100 Logistics IT Company by Inbound Logistics
Intergis, a single-source provider of mobile resource management and logistics technologies for small to mid-sized businesses and enterprises alike, has been named to the list of Top 100 Logistics IT Companies for 2009 by Inbound Logistics. This is the second consecutive year that Intergis has been included in the Top 100.
Each year, for the past decade, Inbound Logistics editors have recognized 100 logistics IT companies that support and enable logistics excellence. Drawn from a pool of more than 500 companies, using questionnaires, personal interviews and other research, Inbound Logistics selects the top 100 providers whose capabilities best meet readers’ fast-changing needs.
“Inbound Logistics readers face complex, demanding challenges: matching demand to supply and aligning their operations to support that business process evolution; speeding and reducing inventory; and managing complete visibility of products from one end of the supply chain to the other. Logistics technology has become more than an enabler. For many, it has become the pathway to supply chain excellence and a lifeline to enterprise survivability,” said Felecia Stratton, editor. “Inbound Logistics is proud to honor Intergis as a 2009 Top 100 Logistics IT Provider for excellence in providing solutions that answer our readers’ needs for quick ROI, while still maintaining ease of use and efficient implementation.”
“Intergis is honored to be named once again as a top logistics software provider,” said Steven Brown, president of Intergis. “Recognition of this nature reinforces what we hear from our customers, that Intergis solutions help them address the challenges they face every day — saving money, reducing total miles driven, operating efficiently, meeting customer demands, managing remote and mobile workforces and more.”
The Intergis fleet optimization software suite automatically creates optimized routes and schedules based on work rules, helping to reduce operating costs and assign the best resources to the work at hand. Users can centralize and streamline multi-branch operations with a single point of entry and common database sharing.