Photo by Michael Roth, RER
CRA and ARA members sit down to dinner at the joint association meeting in Long Beach

CRA and ARA Put on Joint Chapter Meeting in Long Beach

May 1, 2015
The California Rental Association and the American Rental Association’s Region 9 held a joint chapter meeting recently at a new branch of American Equipment Rentals in North Long Beach, Calif.

The California Rental Association and the American Rental Association’s Region 9 held a joint chapter meeting recently at a new branch of American Equipment Rentals in North Long Beach, Calif. Forty-one equipment vendors attended and gave local rental companies a chance to look at new equipment and tools. CRA executive director Dale Blackwell said 221 people attended, representing 16 rental companies.

Guest speak Carrie Gish spoke about the importance of creating a company culture. Several attendees remarked about the positive cooperation between ARA and CRA in creating the event.