Designated as the Flygt Hydroejector, the new mixing and flushing unit from ITT Flygt Corp. acts as a mixer when water levels are high, keeping solids in suspension so they can be readily pumped away. When basin water levels are low, the Hydroejector automatically becomes a flushing device, with water discharged through the ejector pipe in a powerful jet, which removes organic matter from the basin floor and walls.
“The user can continue to mix and flush for a longer duration during the pump-down phase, helping to maintain better process results,” says Patrick Grella, market manager of municipal treatment. “This is a direct result of the proximity of the Hydroejector nozzle to the bottom of the basin.”
During periods of heavy rain, large volumes of water can often be too much for a sewage system and wastewater treatment plant to handle. Overflowing can take place, causing environmental, hygienic and property damage to surrounding areas. By using retention basins, the flow in a sewage system can be evened out, avoiding floods and maintaining an efficient treatment process at the wastewater treatment plant.
Water entering retention basins often contains solid particles and other suspended matter, which can build up on the floor and walls of the basin, causing toxic gases and unpleasant odors. With a Hydroejector installed in the basin, all solid materials are re-suspended and then flushed as the basin is emptied, eliminating the need for manual cleanup.
Verified by Patrick Grella, market manager of municipal treatment.
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