ATLANTA — Home Depot opened stores with rental departments in Bettendorf, Iowa, and Lebanon, Pa., recently.
Bettendorf city officials said they expect that the development of stores such as the 102,445-square-foot Home Depot will spur growth in the area. Store manager Jimmy Lozdowski said the department has more than 250 tools available for hourly and daily rental.
The company also opened a new store in Lebanon, Pa., in December giving the home-improvement giant about 770 stores with rental departments. In addition to a grand opening, the store held a “contractor night” to allow local builders and others in construction-related businesses a sneak preview of the store and its services, followed by a “neighborhood night,” to which it invited about 500 residents and local officials to preview the store.
Atlanta-based Home Depot Rentals is No. 8 on the RER 100.