The lightweight, Gen-Eye POD and MINI-POD from General Pipe Cleaners combine camera, reel and monitor in an all-in-one package. The units come with a 7-inch LCD color monitor protected by a padded case and mounted on a flexible gooseneck that swivels for adjustable viewing angle. The full-size Gen-Eye POD features a self-leveling camera and 200 feet of Gel-Rod for troubleshooting 3- to 10-inch drain lines. The MINI-POD carries 125 feet or 175 feet of push rod and the color mini camera is small enough to troubleshoot 2- to 4-inch lines. A video-out connection lets the user record on an external device. Other features include a picture inverter, both AC and DC power cords, LED dimmer control, 3-inch trap skid and a 512-Htz transmitter.