APT rivet busters feature three stroke sizes: 6 inches (model 633), 8 inches (model 133) and 11 inches (model 1133). All models use jumbo extra heavy-duty steel. A closed-nose cylinder captivates the piston, adding an extra layer of safety. It also includes the traditional retainer system. The user has a choice of handle preference in all stroke sizes: pistol-grip style handle with outside trigger or classic “D” handle with an inside trigger. The 633 rivet buster has an impact rate of 1,100 BPM and takes between 42-46 CFM at 90 PSI. With the retainer, the 633 weighs 24 pounds and is 20 inches long. The 133 has an impact rate of 1,140 BPM, using 42-46 CFM at 90 PSI. The model weighs 31 pounds with a length of 22 inches. The 1133 has a BPM of 850 and takes between 48-52 CFM at 90 PSI. It weighs 34 pounds with a length of 25 inches.