Kubota Corp. last week reported that net sales during the six months ended September 30 increased U.S. $448.0 million, or 10.6 percent to $4.7 billion from the corresponding period a year ago.
Domestic sales decreased $39.9 million, or 1.7 percent, to $2.3 billion from the corresponding period a year ago. Sales in Internal Combustion Engine & Machinery slightly decreased owing to decreased sales of farm equipment, though sales of engines and construction machinery increased. In addition, sales in Environmental Engineering slightly increased.
Overseas sales increased $487.9 million, or 26.5 percent to $2.3 billion from the corresponding period in the prior year. In North America, sales of tractors and engines increased steadily and sales of construction machinery grew largely. In Europe, sales of tractors, construction machinery and engines expanded. In Asia, sales of farm equipment for rice farming continued to increase largely. As a result, the percentage of overseas sales accounted for 49.9 percent of net sales, 6.2 percentage points higher than the corresponding period in the prior year.
Kubota Corp. is based in Osaka, Japan.