EDCO again this year created a team of runners to participate in the annual Frederick, Md., Pink Ribbon 5K, and to help promote both breast cancer awareness and workplace wellness in its hometown. In 2012, the company participated by creating a team of runners. This year, EDCO created a larger team including coworker family members and became an event sponsor. This race, other health-related events, and EDCO’s support of Frederick Memorial Hospital are part of the company’s Wellness Plan.
The Pink Ribbon 5k benefits the Hurwitz Breast Cancer Fund whose mission is promoting early diagnosis and providing the most innovative treatment options of breast cancer in Frederick, Md. Established in 1999 by Jeff and Patty Hurwitz, this organization has raised more than $1 million through various events and community support.
For more information on Pink Ribbon 5K, visit pinkribbionfrederick.org.