Racine, Wis.-based Case Construction Equipment last week announced it will celebrate the 50th anniversary of its factory-integrated loader/backhoe in February. The Case 320 was the first loader/backhoe purpose-built at the plant for construction applications, the company said.
“When Case introduced the first loader/backhow in 1957, it revolutionized the construction industry,” said Jim Hasler, vice president, Case Construction Equipment.
Models built in 2007 will feature a 50th anniversary decal on the loader arms and backhoe. Customers can also purchase a special 50th anniversary edition, which features bundled options and a special limited-edition decal that is different from the standard decal.
In celebration of the anniversary the company launched the Case Rodeo Series, a year-long series of loader/backhoe rodeo competitions to be held at Case dealerships across North America, last week at the World of Concrete in Las Vegas.
The winning operators from local rodeo events will compete in March 2008, during the ConExpo-Con/Agg show, to determine who will win the North American championship event and the grand prize of a brand new, fully loaded 50th anniversary edition Case 580 Super M Series 2 loader/backhoe.
The Case Rodeo Series events are providing partnership opportunities for Habitat for Humanity, with each participating Case dealership contributing a donation and providing their local Habitat for Humanity affiliate with the opportunity to participate in the events, not only to accept donations for the cause, but also to generate awareness and recruit volunteers.
In conjunction with the launch of the Case Rodeo Series, the company presented the Las Vegas affiliate of Habitat for Humanity with a $5,000 contribution. In addition, more than 50 Case dealer locations are already signed up to host rodeo events around North America.
“With a minimum of $1,000 per event going to local Habitat for Humanity chapters, that means a collective contribution of more than $50,000 to the cause,” said Jim Hughes, marketing manager, Case Construction Equipment.