IPAF Names Peter Douglas to Chair U.K. Country Council
Peter Douglas, executive director of operations at Nationwide Platforms, was elected chairman of the newly formed IPAF United Kingdom Country Council at its first meeting on Sept 19, in Edinburgh. Ben Hirst, joint managing director of Horizon Platforms, and Access Alliance representative, was elected vice-chairman.
“This new U.K. Council will devote itself to U.K. issues and will be a force to help the U.K. powered access industry move forward,” said Peter Douglas. “IPAF has grown internationally over the last few years and there has, at times, not been enough resources dedicated to U.K.-specific issues. The forming of this Council will change that.”
“The forming of the U.K. Council is extremely significant for IPAF and something that we have been working towards in the last years,” said IPAF CEO Tim Whiteman. “The move is intended to make sure that today’s international IPAF is still fully relevant to the needs of U.K. members. It was a pleasure to attend this first meeting.”
The IPAF U.K. Country Council has 22 members, with a range of industry experience and a wide representation of rental companies, manufacturers, training centers and suppliers. It aims to represent the industry and IPAF’s U.K. members by working with the Health & Safety Executive, government and contractors, by driving operating standards, by improving safety in the industry and by ensuring that members are kept up to date with any legislative, technical or other changes that could affect them.
“Our first meeting was very productive,” said Peter Douglas. “We agreed to a full review of member benefits and to develop a two-year formal plan for the very popular IPAF regional meetings. There was a lot of positive energy at the meeting and vice-chairman Ben Hirst and I need to ensure that we retain this, that issues are kept relevant, and that we make some good decisions as a group.”
The next meeting of the IPAF U.K. Country Council is planned for Dec. 5. Details will be posted at www.ipaf.org/events.
IPAF is a not-for-profit members’ organization that promotes the safe and effective use of powered access equipment worldwide.