Photo by BigRentz
Joshua Leong wins a 5000 scholarship for film production

BigRentz Awards $10,000 in Scholarships to Engineering and Film Students

Sept. 7, 2018
Equipment rental network BigRentz announced winners of its inaugural scholarship program for students pursuing higher education in engineering and film studies.

Equipment rental network BigRentz announced winners of its inaugural scholarship program for students pursuing higher education in engineering and film studies. Lauren Brabson, a senior majoring in mechanical engineering at Texas A&M, and Joshua Leong, a freshman majoring in film production at New York University, Tisch School of Arts, were each awarded a $5,000 scholarship to offset educational expenses.

“Investing in students is a core value at BigRentz – especially those learning to apply renewable energy to engineering processes and helping to visually tell how people, ideas, and technology come together,” said Scott Cannon, BigRentz CEO. “Lauren’s essay demonstrated critical knowledge of the fact that modern engineering disciplines have a long road ahead of themselves in the matter of adapting to new technological processes, as well as the challenges posed by the need for renewable energy. Furthermore, Joshua’s essay was extremely detailed and exhibited a thorough understanding of cinematography. His submission was one of few that truly made the reader experience all cinematic elements of his chosen film, Whiplash.”

BigRentz received more than 350 essays and selected the winning essays based on their understanding and vision for their fields.