The Associated Equipment Distributors’ annual Executive Forum in September will be entitled “Surviving the Perfect Storm,” in reference to the convergence of adverse conditions affecting the equipment distribution business. The forum will present a range of ideas on how to survive the economic downturn, covering such topics as:
• How the fall elections might affect highway funding;
• Which sectors are performing the best;
• Where do put energy in a down cycle;
• How to make money through foreign transactions;
• Predictions on the economy;
• How Chinese manufacturers are approaching the U.S. market.
Speakers for the September 11-12 conference include Paul Green, professor of Policy Studies at Roosevelt University in Chicago on the elections; Jim Haughey, chief economist, Reed Construction Data on domestic construction markets; Adam Fein of Pembroke Consulting on distribution strategies; Mark Koznarek, research analyst, and well-known industry analyst Frank Manfredi on global activities and priorities of manufacturers; economist Eli Lustgarden; and more.
More information can be found at