Former Equipment Executive Creates Mobile Surveillance Company
24/7 Onsite Cameras opened for business in Columbia, Ill., last month to sell and rent mobile surveillance units to construction sites, entertainment events, federal and local law enforcement authorities, and commercial applications where assets are at risk for a temporary period.
Founder and president Keith Jackson joined forces with Houston-based Cameras Onsite as the manufacturer of its rental surveillance units (RSU). The rental offering includes include both electric units as well as diesel hybrid units that are self contained and have a run time of up to 90 days without service. The traditional trailer-mounted option is also available for sale to those that wish to own the product.
“24/7 OnSite Cameras Inc. is very excited about the opportunity to be the exclusive distributor for this product in the Midwest,” said Jackson. “This technology is long overdue in the Midwest and we are excited to once again provide a product that will fill a niche market 24/7/365 days per year.”
While mobile units have been available in other parts of the country the RSU will be the first of its kind for rental in the St. Louis area. The RSU uses an advanced form of video compression, wireless and cellular networks to provide the most modular system available, the company said.
The RSU unit can be delivered and set up within minutes, providing a 360-degree view immediately. Customers can monitor their own site via Internet from anywhere, or contract with 24/7 for monitoring support.
Jackson previously held executive level positions for two large corporations, both of which gained market share under his leadership in the construction/industrial arena, the company said.
Plans are in place to open 24/7 Onsite Cameras branch locations in Memphis, Tenn.; Chicago; Indianapolis; Louisville, Ky.; Kansas City, Mo.; and Cincinnati.