Photo by Fecon
Fecon Compact Stumpex Designed for Compact Utility Loaders
April 21, 2021
The Compact Stumpex from Fecon is a slow speed, high-torque auger-style stump grinder designed for compact utility loaders like the Toro Dingo and others. The slow auger speed ensures a safer work environment with faster cleanup, while high torque eradicates stumps from 4 to 11 inches in diameter in a single plunge, while those greater than 11 inches may require multiple plunges.
Designed for compact utility loaders with 10 to 20 GPM of hydraulic flow, and 2,000 to 3,000 psi. The drive generates up to 4,000 foot-pounds of torque for any species of wood. A hardened auger cone ensures positive draw into the stump.