Skyjack launched four new products in late February during its first self-hosted virtual tradeshow. The tradeshow, SKYWORLD Live, introduced one new product each day and featured talks from speakers on the state of the market.
“We’ve been attending virtual supplier shows since mid-2020,” said Malcolm Early, vice president of marketing at Skyjack. “Our team was able to learn what worked well, and ways to make the customer experience as close to the real thing as possible. We think we hit the mark with SKYWORLD Live and the best part is, customers can still log onto the virtual platform throughout the year.”
The four new products coming to market from Skyjack are:
· SJ20 Vertical Mast: exclusively for the North American market, the SJ20 offers a 20-foot (5.94m) platform height, full electric drive, an optional wind rating, and a compelling ROI for rental companies;
· Enhanced 40-foot and 60-foot booms: by leveraging its SMARTORQUE technology and data-driven design, Skyjack enhanced its 40-foot and 60-foot booms to improve its customers’ return on investment;
· Micro Scissor: with two products launching within this class, the ANSI SJ3013 and CE SJ3014, Skyjack’s micros offer quiet and swift electric drive, low floor load ratings, and low cost of ownership;
· SJ9664 RT: an enhancement to former prototypes, Skyjack’s SJ9664 RT is its largest full-size rough terrain scissor to date with a working height of 70 feet (21.34 m), SMARTORQUE technology, and Skyjack’s AXLDRIVE axle-based four-wheel drive system.
“Making this platform available to everyone throughout the year was important for our team because we know times are challenging without being able to do as many in-person product demonstrations,” said Kurt Atchison, senior product manager, Skyjack. “We wanted to provide an experience that felt as close to the tactile one customers receive at shows.”
The virtual platform, SKYWORLD, hosts walk around videos, product specifications and options by regions, product launch collateral, and more. The “Live” portion of the event is also available for visitors to view year-round through links to webinar recordings.
“While we hope this isn’t the new standard for trade shows, I’m very pleased with the work our team did to put this SKYWORLD together,” Early said. “In-person shows are definitely still in our future, but it’s good to know our team has the capability to provide a similar experience from a distance.”
As the first virtual trade show hosted by Skyjack, they received a large number of registrants, and additional industry professionals signed on to hear the industry-leading speakers they had lined up. Those talks brought high-value content including consolidation trends, incident reporting, and rental penetration information to the event.
All available recordings from SKYWORLD Live are available online at