MBW Inc.

Slinger, WI 53086


About MBW Inc.


250 Hartford Rd.
Slinger, WI 53086
United States of America

More Info on MBW Inc.

MBW Inc MBW INC. has been a US manufacturer of Concrete Finishing and Soil Compaction Construction Equipment since 1967. MBW INC. offers Walk-behind and Ride-on Power Trowels, Truss and Wet Screeds, Mortar/Plaster and Concrete Mixers, Concrete Sealer Sprayers, and Slipform Pavers. Soil Compaction Rammers, Vibratory Plates, single and reversible direction, Vibratory Roller Attachments for skid loaders, backhoes and excavators. MBW’s Utility Division manufactures Soil Testing Meters, Gas Vapor Extraction U...

Articles & News

Photo by MBW Inc.
Mbw Bullvibe Img 4302
Concrete Working Equipment

M-B-W’s BullVibe Vibratory Bull Float Attachment Uses Vibration for a Smooth Concrete Finish

Nov. 7, 2023
The BullVibe is compatible with a variety of bull float styles and can be used on a wide range of concrete projects, from small residential patios to large commercial buildings...
Photo by MBW Inc.
Mbw Ap18 Feb21 (002)
Compaction Equipment

MBW Updates AP/GP18 Single Direction Vibratory Plates

March 31, 2021
The MBW AP/GP18 series of vibratory plates, the GP12, GP15 and GP18 are available with or without a water tank.
Photo by MBW
Mbw Scree Demon 2020 Construction
Concrete Working Equipment

MBW’s ScreeDemon – an Ergonomic Wet Screed

Jan. 6, 2021
MBW's ScreeDemon is designed to be one of the most innovative and ergonomically friendly wet screeds on the market.